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Lies, damned lies and……..

Posted by: katalysis

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Well, now you have it….our homes are now worth (all according to Nationwide) 5.7% more than this time last year, so hurrah!.....Or maybe not hurrah, if one delves a little deeper into the stats. It would seem that the good old North/South divide has been ignored again! Because ‘down South’, your home is actually ‘worth’ 9.9% more (12.2% in Outer London), whilst our cousins up North have a paltry 1.8% to dine off. Also, the ‘average’ home (if one actually exists) has now topped £200,000! Hmmmm….but just maybe, any ‘second-steppers’ out there ought to think on. This is a brilliant time to change up, especially as the Buy-To-Let bubble could be popping and freeing up mortgage funds for the rest of us.

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